When I did boudoir sessions for my husband, picking out and outfit (or two) was honestly the hardest part for me. So to help you, I’ve created a guide and over the next few weeks will be walking you through the process of finding the perfect lingerie for your session. I’m going to start with the basics and explain why I recommend “3” outfits. I put “3” in quotes because we won’t just do 3 outfits but will adjust the outfits during the session to change their appearance and the mood of the shoot.
1. Something Personal
2. Something Vibrant
3. Something Neutral
Pro Tip: Bring accessories. Examples for that would be : heels, stockings, jewelry, etc.
Okay, now that I’ve made my 3 (rather 4) points about attire. I’m going to elaborate on the first outfit: something personal. I recommend bringing 1 or 2 of your husbands favorite shirts. We’ll pair this shirt with a sexy pair of panties. While a t-shirt can give a casual & sexy feel (ex. favorite band, team, etc.), a button down can be a little more sexy & “formal”.
I typically encourage my clients to start with this outfit as it’s typically the least revealing and will help you get more comfy in front of the camera. This outfit is incredibly versatile and I recommend doing 2-3 different backdrops with it. Normally we’ll start in a cozy position, on the bed or couch, with a glass of champagne. Once you’re comfortable I will remove the champagne. Hands typically are the most “awkward” thing for clients to overcome so starting with champagne in hand will ease you into it!
Next week I will sharing my “something vibrant” recommendation! So be sure to keep an eye out. Join my private boudoir page at https://www.instagram.com/simplyyouboudoir/ to see my recommendations in a real boudoir shoot.
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Tiffany McFalls Photography serves Asheville, Charleston, and destinations with branding, product, and lifestyle photography.